Display Treatment Info Cards at the reception counter or waiting area. Let your visitors know all about the treatments you are providing. Per card costs Rs.4/- Minimum Order quantity is 100 Nos. Shipping charge Rs. 150/- is same for any quantity. Please add Rs. 150/- while you make the payment.

This card carries your brand to many whoever reads it. Size: 12cm width x 15cm length | Digital Printed on 250gsm imported art card.

Customization: We print your Address if you order by using the below order form. Load your address details along with logo and make your payment via Gpay. Please add Rs. 100- total for shipping.

Treatments List

1. Laser Dentistry

2. Micro Dentistry

3. Pit and Fissure Sealants

4. Dental Impaction

5. Gum Surgery

6. Rhinoplasty

7. Chin Surgery

8. Cleft lip & Palate Surgery

9. Tongue Tie

10. Invisalign

11. Dental Implant

12. Crown & Bridge

13. Root Canal Treatment

14. Before Extraction

15. Orthodontics

16. Missing Tooth

17. Scaling

18. Dental Bleaching

19. Child Dental Care

20. Composites

21. After Extraction Instruction

22. Caring Your Implants

23. Dental Veneers

24. Types of Dentures

25. Caring your braces

26. Oral Cancer screening

27. Immediate Implants

28. Kids orthodontics

29. TMJ

30. Dental jewellery

Offer Pricing

Great OFFER!

10 Titles (Treatments) x 100 Nos. = 1000 cards Rs. 3700.00

We will dsspatch the consignment within 3 working days, once the order payment is confirmed.

Treatment Info Cards order form